Before I dive in, I want to mention that Calm Strips was kind enough to gift me these items in return for an Instagram post review and I love them so much that I wanted to feature them on here as well.
Thank you again Calm Strips!
Image Description: A blueish purple circle with white
cursive text inside the circle reads "calm strips" with
a white ring inside the circle.
The Who:
Calm Strips is a small business out of Newport News, VA. Founded by Micheal Malkin in April of 2020 in his home garage, the company has now grown to seven employees and a million dollar business. Calm Strips was featured on Shark Tank season 13 episode 14 and for fellow Shark Tank fans, or those just curious, they struck a deal with Robert. Their business now booming and products available not only on their website and mom & pop shops, but on Walmart online and Urban Outfitters.
Image Description: A still image from the show Shark Tank is seen showing the founder Micheal Malkin and another person standing next to him on the right of the image. To the right of the image is a product display and screens, showing all the ways Calm Strips can be used; on a keychain featured on a yellow backpack, on a laptop, notebooks, etc.
The Why:
After struggling with his own anxiety, founder Micheal Malkin wanted a more discreet version of a fidget toy, one that wouldn't call attention to itself. After using painters tape and that not working out, it was time to go back to the drawing board. Finally, Calm Strips were born.
The What:
Calm Strips are tactile stickers that come in a multitude of shapes and patterns that come in four different textures - they just launched their two newest additions, Smooth Satin, and Patterned Pebbles - and their classic textures, Soft Sand and River Rocks.

Image Description: On a green background, a yellow iPad is shown. There are four different calm strips applied to the iPad in a vertical position. From left to right shows a black and white Calm Strip with the planets on it with a white line and text above it reading "smooth satin *matte-finish," next is a multicolored Strip with a line of dots and text above it reading "Soft Sand *subtle grain," then a Strip that shows a gradient of blues and greens with a wiggle line and text above it that reads, "River Rocks *extra bumpy," and lastly a blue and red Strip with a tree on it with a line of diamonds above it and text that reads, "Patterned Pebbles *uniform bumps." Each Calm Strip is outlined in a white rectangle and to the right of the screen is white text that read "4 satisfying options."
What I was gifted:
Calm Strips was kind enough to send me their Calm Strip stickers: "Ground Yourself," in River Rocks, and "Nebula," in Soft Sand. They also sent along two of their Calm Breathing stickers: "Know Peace," and "Just Breathe," both in Soft Sand. As a fun bonus, I was also gifted a Cary Tag in Gold so that I can take my Calm Strips with me on the go in the form of a keychain.
Each pack of stickers comes with an info card that offers insight into the designer of the sticker and sometimes a quote that aligns with the sticker.
Image Description: On the left of the image is a card that reads “we are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams. - Willy Wonka.” On the right of the card are five individual, thin rectangle Calm Strips fanned out. They read “stay grounded” with two flowers on the left of the text and a single flower and butterfly on the right of the text.
Stay Grounded: River Rock Texture
$12.99 for a pack of 5
This design might just be my favorite design on the entire Calm Strips website so I was elated to receive this. The fonts together work great, and the colors of the flowers give a very fun and groovy vibe to the sticker.
The quote chosen to go on the info card is absolutely perfect and I feel like it is the perfect fit for this design. It keeps in perfect tune with the whimsical look.
Image Description: On the left of the image is a card that reads “I will love the night for it shows me the way, yet l will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars. - Augustine Tipanative.” On the right of the card are five individual, thin rectangle Calm Strips fanned out. They show a red to blue Nebula in space with small stars throughout with white text reading at the bottom, “Calm Strips”.
Nebula: Smooth Sand Texture
$10.99 for a pack of 5
This design brings back all the nostalgia of looking up at the night sky through the telescope my dad and I would set up at the end of our driveway. The quality of image is incredible and is truly so detailed in seeing every star in the sky. Overall, a very simple design, a very calming image, paired with a very soft texture.
The quote on this info card is such gentle and kind reminder.
Image Description: On the left of the image is a card that reads “Rainbow Breathing Activity,” with an image of the Rainbow shaped Calm Strip. Below that reads, “These visual & textured interactive designs, can help to focus and relax the mind. Slowly trace your finger along each color of the rainbow, slowly inhaling and exhaling and focusing on your breathing.” On the right of the card are five individual, Calm Strips fanned out in the shape of a semicircle with rainbow colors and a black singular line that starts on the outside and moves inwards as the colors change, following the tradition ROGBIV rainbow colors. At the top of the rainbow along the red coloring, are the words, “Breathe Deeply. Meditate on each color. Know peace.”
Know Peace: Smooth Sand Texture
$11.99 for a pack of 5
This design ranks second for me in terms of design, as well as functionality. I love the interactive feature of tracing the line and not only feeling the texture, but focusing on your breathing and the sticker itself as the color changes. I also really like the text added to the outer part of the rainbow's arch. This sticker truly offers a fully immersive experience, perfect for when you're experiencing high anxiety and needing a distraction.
This info card gives insight into how to utilize this sticker by matching your breathing, thoughts, and senses.
Image Description: On the left of the image is a card that reads “Calming infinity activity.” The card shows an infinity symbol identical to the sticker, showing a finger tracing the pattern on it. Below it reads, “This visual & textured interactive design, can help to focus and relax the mind. Slowly trace your linger around the infinity symbol, inhale slowly at ‘breathe’ for 4-6 secs, hold your breath at ‘hold’ for 4-6 secs, then exhale at ‘breathe’ for 4-6 secs.” Next to the card are a set of the fanned out infinity symbols with the breathing prompts on them.
Just Breathe: Smooth Sand Texture
$11.99 for a pack of 5
Similarly to the "Know Peace" rainbow sticker, the "Just Breathe" sticker guides you in a breathing exercise. This sticker helps guide you in when to inhale, hold, and exhale. It may seem repetitive, but when experiencing high anxiety, simple instructions are a life saver.
This info card is similar to the previous, "Know Peace" sticker, in that it explains how to use the sticker and utilize the breathing pattern on the sticker.

Final Thoughts
Overall I am so happy that Calm Strips sent me these and that I can use them in my day to day life. Each sticker is latex free, durable (so it lasts weeks to even months depending on use), waterproof, and re-stickable. I already have one placed on a notebook that I take with me to my doctors appointments, my laptop for when I have Telehealth appointments, and one on my go-to water bottle for on the go moments I may need some grounding. I truly cannot rave about this product enough and can whole-heartedly recommend it for all my anxious friends, or those that simply need a nonchalant way to channel their energy in their day-to-day life.
Image Description: Annie is seen holding and looking at her
blue notebook with a gold embossed dragonfly on it. She is
looking down and pointing at the Rainbow Breathing Activity
Calm Strip Sticker. She is seen wearing a hot pink shirt and
a floral wavy headband with a gold 444 necklace.
How & Where to Buy
You can purchase your own Calm Strips by clicking on the logo at the top of the blog post or images of the ones I've posted which will lead you directly to their website, on Walmart online, Amazon, or in stores (you can check their website to find a store that carries them near you).